(305) 694-5195 mmarin@arimarwood.com



Our valued distributors at Arimar Fatwood share our deep commitment to environmental conservation. We take immense pride in the fact that our products are crafted with 100% natural ingredients, completely free from any additives or chemicals. Rest assured, we go to extraordinary lengths to ensure that our forests remain unharmed, or even flourish, under our care. At Arimar Fatwood, nature is not just a resource, but a precious legacy we diligently safeguard.

Their manufacturing processes utilize the entire tree from root to crown, leaving no waste behind. Our Fatwood is harvested exclusively from non-rainforest areas and we do not harvest live trees specifically for this product.

At Arimar Fatwood, we hold a strong belief in the enduring vitality of our forests, achieved through the implementation of sustainable forestry practices. Our deep-rooted commitment lies in nurturing and preserving our natural resources, ensuring their long-term viability and safeguarding their inherent beauty. By actively embracing sustainable practices, we wholeheartedly contribute to the preservation of these invaluable ecosystems, allowing them to flourish and provide a sustainable source of wood products. With unwavering dedication to sustainability, Arimar Fatwood stands as an industry-leading example, harmoniously balancing environmental consciousness with our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional quality.